Become a member and get all this!
- Get MECHATROLINK specifications from the MMA website.
- Technical support for product development.
- Promotion assistance for MECHATROLINK-compliant products developed by members.
- Joint presentation of products by members at exhibitions.
- Testing for compliance and certification.
- Get our newsletter by e-mail listing the latest MECHATROLINK information.
- Be able to purchase connector kit and assemble cables.
- Participate in MECHATROLINK conferences and developer seminars.
People who truly benefit from membership:
- Develop controllers that can implement various types of motion control after being connected to MECHATROLINK products.
- Increase business by developing MECHATROLINK-compliant devices.
- Gain an advantage over competitors by developing motion-control products with the latest MECHATROLINK technology.
- Development of MECHATROLINK-compliant products and testing of these products for MECHATROLINK compliance and certification.
- People who use MECHATROLINK products but would like to have a greater technical understanding of the protocol.